Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The end of one amazing season brings new life to the next...

Greetings Friends!

I’m back home in California and I’m excited to get together with each of you!

As I write this letter my heart is full of great joy and thankfulness for all of you who have so faithfully joined me in this amazing season. Through your prayer, support, and financial giving, God has transformed my life and the lives of so many in India. He has multiplied your resources and grown my understanding of service, impact and kingdom ministry. Thank you for the love, support and generosity you have extended to me.

I am transitioning out of my position at Harvest India. It has been a great joy to be a part of Harvest India for the past two and a half years. I’m so thankful for the environment and opportunity that the Lord provided and the tremendous personal change that has taken place in my life. My time in India is one of many gifts that God has given me in this season. While I believe that the Lord has used me in developing many levels within the intricacy and breadth of the ministry at Harvest India, there has always been a constant reminder that this was most importantly a journey for me and my Creator to venture together. It’s been the adventure of my life to date and now I enter a season of discovering what the Lord will lead me to next.

Harvest India has been a tremendous learning environment and we are confident that this stepping stone has shaped and developed me for the continued journey God has in store for me. While the need for my position at Harvest India is certainly not removed, it is clear that the next steps can now be championed by others as they carry the torch in the work God empowered me to begin. Over the next three months I will be in prayer about where God is leading me in this next season. While we are uncertain of the outcome at this moment we are confident that the Lord will continue to utilize my skills and passions. My prayer is that my next opportunity will allow me to be part of a team that both continues to make an impact in the eternal kingdom and holds excellence as a weighted value in the extension of that care. I cannot yet see what the next steps will hold but I’m certain that God is in control and has wonderful plans ahead of me. I ask that each of you continue to lift me in prayer in seeking His leading in this next season.

Please pray that::

·         My eyes remain fixed on God alone.
·         I am faithful to make time daily to pray and seek our Lord.
·         Harvest India will become even stronger through their transition.
·         God would make it clear what opportunity I should enter into next.
·         I step boldly and confidently wherever He directs me.
·         God would keep us all firmly rooted and focused in His perfect plans to prosper us.

I would love to meet with you in the next several months and share what I continue to learn as I process through this change. Surrounded by the community of brothers and sisters God has given to me, I am reminded that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens us all. As you pray please also keep in mind that I am open to any connections or organizations that may be a good fit for me and would love to explore any opportunities that God may be opening up to me through you.

Thank you again for your continued love, prayers, and contributions to my mission work in India.

Love and blessings,
John Brokensihre