Sunday, February 28, 2010

Humanizing Our Neighbors & Living Out Our Calling

Today we spent our Sunday morning teaching the story of Jonah to the hundreds of my little brothers and sisters I have come to know and love during my time in India. In the book of Jonah, which has recently come alive to me, we read of a man called by God to proclaim destruction upon all who do not repent of sin and turn to God, to the wicked people of Nineveh. Jonah in disobedience to God’s calling hardened his heart to the people of Nineveh and refused to go to them because he did not want God’s love and mercies to fall upon them if they repented of their wickedness and turned to God. So in an effort to keep God’s message from reaching the intended people, which we know if impossible no matter what we do or where we run, we find Jonah traveling in the exact opposite direction of Nineveh to Joppa where he boards a ship which will take him even farther from where God has called him, to the land of Tarshish. The ship finds itself in difficult waters as a terrible storm raises and churns. The men on the ship fear for their lives as Jonah sleeps in the ships hold, below deck. The men on the ship, who were non believers, cast lots to determine who had angered the gods to bring such a storm to fall upon them. When Jonah was identified as the culprit the men asked him who he was and where he was from. He responded, “I am a Hebrew, and I worship the Lord, the God of Heaven, who made the sea and the land.” The men immediately believed in God’s power and might which led to Jonah being thrown, by his own recommendation, from the ship into the ocean. Immediately God stopped the storm. Jonah is then swallowed by a great fish, where he remains for three days until God commands the fish vomit him out of it’s mouth upon the shores where Jonah is again called by God to go to Nineveh and declare the message that God had given to him. This time, Jonah does in fact repent of his disobedience, travels to Nineveh, and delivers God’s message to the people, “Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed.” But still, Jonah did not deliver the message in love for his words show that his heart remained very hardened towards sharing the message at Nineveh. We see the people of Nineveh repent of their wickedness immediately and God spares them form the destruction he had threatened. Jonah responds “Didn‘t I say before I left home that you would do this, Lord? That is why I ran away to Tarshish! I knew that you are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to anger and filled with unfailing love. You are eager to turn back from destroying people. Just kill me now, Lord! I‘d rather be dead than alive if what I predicted will not happen.”
It’s awakening to me to find so many parallels in Jonah‘s rebellious behavior and poor attitude with my own thoughts and actions towards God and those he has placed in my path. Yet it’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one of God’s chosen children who have dropped the ball when God calls us to join in His revolution and proclaim His message. That even when His children make excuses like Moses or run like Jonah, God is “slow to anger and filled with unfailing love.” He remains patient with us and uses His great power and authority to (gently and if necessary harshly) rebuke us and guide us along His perfect path.
Jonah was good at portraying that he was in right standing with God but his actions and his heart revealed that he was far from reflecting love and grace, God had so graciously bestowed upon him, to those around him. He had hoped that the people of Nineveh would not repent of their wickedness so that he might witness God’s wrath and see that they would “be destroyed” for their sins against God. Jonah had placed the focus on himself and began missing opportunities to grow closer to God. He was called to share his relationship by loving and helping others understand what was keeping them from God’s grace. But instead, Jonah simply stopped loving God’s children and began choosing himself who was worthy to become a child of God.

I’m challenged to:
reach out to those who oppose me when they oppose God
reflect the love and grace that God, in his unfailing love, has bestowed eternally upon me
live a life of love that aids the lost, even my enemies, to the grace and salvation of Christ
spend time sharing and living life with the people I (in my own wickedness) withheld the Good News from, which in turn will build a community of people who need to hear it the most
and surrender everyday that He is God and I am not.

One of the most wonderful lessons I’m learning is that when you reach out and spend time with the poor, the downtrodden, the sick, and the lame, you meet ordinary people. And the oppression we only hear about, or read about, instantly gets a face and a name. Jesus tells us that Kingdom of God is for these people. These men, women and children are in desperate need of a savior! They are hungry for the Good News! Shane Claiborne writes in his book Irresistible Revolution, “I truly believe that when the poor meet the rich, riches will have no meaning. And when the rich meet the poor, we will see poverty come to an end.” I am a believer! As a “rich” man in this world, who has met too many poor people in India, I will live differently forever because my brothers and sisters are in need! I have been given an opportunity to give sacrificially to serve those around me that have so little and I’ve been missing my opportunities. I’ve been running from God in the opposite direction of His calling on my life, blending in with the other rich people I know that need the Good News but they’re not hungry for it. How do I reach them? I don’t!! Because that’s God job.

Jesus said,
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Is the Kingdom of God for the rich who have turned their backs on the God of all creation? They’re rich! They don’t need a savior when there busy saving money in big savings accounts! They're prepared to save themselves if something happens!

They need a Jonah! to prepare them for receiving Jesus!

But the poor, the orphans, the prostitutes, the blind, the lame, the lepers, they know they need a savior! I hunger and thirst for justice in India. These are the same people scripture tells us Jesus came to be with so it’s no surprise that I am being called to them too!

They need a Moses who will humble himself from wealth to poverty to lead them to God's promises! I'm so glad that our God knows my weaknesses and has handcrafted my strengths! I don't strive to become a Jonah or a Moses but I strive to be more like Christ!

Friday, February 26, 2010

At the shores of the Indian Ocean...

It has been so incredible to spend the last two days at the Haritha Beach Resort in Suri Lanka. The shores of the Indian Ocean are breathtaking. The peace and rest that I have come to experience in my Heavenly Father’s love was immensely intensified by the magnificent beauty of His great creation. As we arrived to the resort on Tuesday night I had set low expectations for the “beach cottage” that we were told we would be lodging in for the following two nights. But, to my surprise we were welcomed into a remarkably well-appointed (by my newly re-established Indian standards) beach cottage that sat just a few hundred yards from the waters edge. I awoke at 9:30 am to a kind gentleman offering the selection of coffee or chai. Indulging in the only way to start what promises to be a beautiful day at the remote beaches of India, I obliged in a piping hot cup of chai. It was delicious! Then I threw on some running gear and attempted to take a nice long run along the beach. I have to admit that I did far better than expected considering the drastic change in climate and humidity when compared to the familiar shores of the Pacific. Exhausted and dragging myself back to the resort, I found Suresh and Christina headed to breakfast and so I joined them for a breakfast that only Indians can pill off. It consisted of a rice & lentil mixture, and was accompanied by three sides, raw sugar, curry/spicy vegetable soup broth, and chutney. It’s no IHOP people! And it didn’t take much to fill my tank at this breakfast. After breakfast, I grabbed a towel and headed to the white sand for a tanning session under the Indian sun. I preceded to make a few phone calls to the BFF and Mom & Dad to raise a little “awareness” before drifting off to the relaxing sound of the waves. Later, we gathered as a family to have a late lunch and relaxed for the rest of the evening.
The highlight of the resort was the patio, just before the entrance of our room overlooking the ocean, that had one long white lounge chair that held my attention for the better part of the second day of our retreat. Nursing my slightly burnt skin, (that Indian sun will creep up on you) I enjoyed reading my bible and journaling. As the day concluded, we witnessed Indian missiles light up the night sky as they were launched into the ocean from the military base just next to the resort. (The 700 acre base is where Indian intelligence also launches all of their satellites in to space.) It was also incredible! All in all it was one vacation I’m sure to never forget. Who would have known that a two week mission trip with my church body would end up fostering such a beautiful literal expression of the beauty and love that comes from my Savior. Only God knew!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

When the Hopeless Find Hope

These are life stories as told by a few of the women of the Ashraya Project in Tenali, India. These stories are filled with heartbreak, hurt, tears and sorrow. The Ashraya Project began in 2007 as a refuge, restoring hope and dignity to women seeking a way out from one of the worlds many, growing Red Light District’s. These are not the stories of ex-prostitutes or former sex slaves but rather stories of daughters of the Most High, who gives restoration, freedom and hope that can only be found through Jesus Christ, in relationship with God the Father. These are not the stories of wounded women, rather stories of women who found that in Christ no wounds remain and new life is possible. These bold and beautiful women have received grace and forgiveness from the Lord and in turn extended grace and forgiveness to those who trespassed against them. These are the stories of women who have realized that grace does not lead to recovery, it leads to love. These are stories of true love, full life, dignity, hope and salvation.


This is the story of a 28 year old, mother of two, named Jasmin. Jasmin’s world was shaken three years ago when her thriving family was disrupted by illness. Her loving husband of over seven years became very ill. Seeking medical attention the family was informed that the bile in his blood system had manifested as a visible sign, jaundice, of a much more serious condition in which his severely damaged liver was becoming toxic to his entire body. While there are many known treatments to prolong and often treat an ailing liver, the level of caste and severe poverty of this young family rendered them unable to seek necessary medical attention and Jasmin’s husband suffered a painful, rather abrupt passing.
Shortly after her husbands death, the survival of Jasmin’s entire family was in jeopardy. Having no extended family, no trade skills, because of her poverty, and no aid to care for her or her two young children, Jasmin’s family lively hood worsened and her hope of survival grew dim. In utter desperation, as her last worldly possessions were stripped from her, Jasmin sought to sell the one thing she had left, her body. She quickly became enslaved to prostitution at the mercy of seeking men to provide a means of financial support. Though it was still not much, Jasmin entertained various sexual partners and grew more and more ashamed and burdened by the means in which she was providing for her desperate family. Appalled by her behavior and convicted of her lifestyle, she left the sex trade and sough another means of providing for her families needs. She began to approach anyone she could for work in her village. One woman, who was aware of Jasmin’s previous trade, informed her of an organization that was providing trade skill training to women seeking to leave a life of prostitution. Desperate, she listened intently as the woman spoke of Harvest India’s Ashraya Project. Jasmin immediately sought out Bishop Suresh Kumar and pleaded to join Ashraya, as her last resort and necessary as a means of survival for her family. She was welcomed to join immediately. As God would have it Bishop Suresh also had an opportunity for her young children, Jayasei, who was age 4 and Vijaya Lakshmi, who was age 2 at the time, to enroll in the on-site orphan children’s home where her two children could receive a free education while she studied and learned the trade of sewing.
It’s been almost two years since Jasmin and her children came to be a part of the Harvest India family. Her two children are growing into their full potential and receiving a unparalleled education for underprivileged children. Education will completely free them from all caste labels they once bore. Jasmin is joyful, proud and thriving. Her and both of her children have all come to except Jesus Christ as their personal savior. They are so thankful for the provision and love that they receive everyday from the body of believers that they encounter and blessed by the new opportunities they awake to each morning. They are truly grateful to Harvest India for restoring a path of dignity and hope and leading them to receive eternal life in our Lord and Savior.


Meet Anamma, a 27 year old woman of hope and dignity. Just two years ago, a God ordained encounter would change everything about life, as she had come to know it. Anamma is the proud mother of two beautiful children. Raviteja is 11, currently studying 6th standard and Trivani is 6, currently studying 1st standard. Both are thoroughly enjoying the life they have come to know in their home of the last two years. Anamma tells her story in private. She fears that if others were to know of her past, she would be treated differently and it might somehow disrupt the lives and new social abilities her children experience in this safe environment. Annama’s husband, Srinivas, passed away three years ago from the AIDS virus. While she is unaware how he contracted this debilitating disease, it has been confirmed that he has passed this potentially life threatening disease on to Anamma. Raviteja and Trivani are not carriers. Just prior to his passing Annama and Srinivas had began construction on a small home in their village of Selapadu. They had received a small amount of government funding for the project with the promise that more would follow. Upon Srinivas’ passing government aid ceased and left the remaining Rao family members in desperate need of financial aid. In desperation, with no help from Annama’s or Srinivas’ families, who were also very poor, she began to beg for food on the streets of the village where the Rao property still sits, unfinished today. Unable to support herself and children by begging she fell into a lifestyle of prostitution in the nearby Red Light District. In the morning, Annama would pretend to head out to the fields for work but would instead lose herself in a daylight of the dark and poisonous work of the sex trade. She grew increasingly ashamed with each passing day and soon found that her work was unbearable. In desperation she took to the streets of begging again and sought work in any other trade. She was unsuccessful and returned to prostitution. She found herself at the end of her rope and in desperate need of a savior. Although she was not a Christian she sought out the most compassionate and caring man she knew, Pastor Sampson, the pastor of the local village church in Selapadu. His heart for the broken and weary has captured her attention and as she began to grow weary she approached Pastor Sampson and fell at his feet pouring out he life of darkness and shame since her husband’s passing. She had fallen at the feet of a Harvest India pastor. Sampson had attended Harvest India’s Bible College prior to beginning his ministry and founding the church at Selapadu. Because of his great tie to Harvest India, Pastor Sampson was well aware of the Ashraya Project which had just opened for women in unfortunate circumstances seeking freedom from an enslaved live of prostitution. He connected Anamma with Harvest India and, in God’s perfect timing, her and her two children were being fed, meeting new community, learning new ways to provide for their family, receiving free education and being given shelter through the Kingdom work of Harvest India. She cannot thank God enough for His mercies and grace, which He has showered upon her in the last two years. She gives all the Glory to God saying, “Praise God, He has given me dignity and hope. Thank God for his shelter and blessings.”

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Healing While the Scar Remains

Name: Satyayathi Rao
Place: Butumalli Vemuru, Andrah Pradesh, India

Like many Indian marriages Satyayathi’s betrothal was arranged. Unfortunately, the man in which she was betrothed to marry frequently abused alcohol, releasing an evil that would rear it’s head regularly only after their union. Through years of marriage the situation has continued to escalate and has become a dangerous situation for Satyayathi and their two children. Satyayathi is a dedicated and faithful woman, wife and mother. Occupationally, she makes beautiful flower garlands and dries fish which are sold in her village, to provide for her family. Her husband doesn’t work. He spends his days drinking away the money Satyayitha works all day to provide for the well-being of their family. Satyayathi has pleaded, countless times, with her husband to stop drinking, crying out to him, "please change, please stop drinking." He regularly experiences bouts of rage, and when combined with his normal intoxicated state of mind the situation escalates quickly and dangerously. To ascert his power and control as the man of the family, he often removes their seven year old son, Samba, and nine year old daughter, Srilakshmi, from their home and hides them in different villages. He then demands money from Satyayathi if she wants to see her children again.


Last June, during one of his many alcohol binges, Satyayathi's husband became violent and attempted to end her life with a knife. She managed to escape with only a minor cut on her arm. With love in her heart, for the father of her children and a longing desire for him to change his destructive behavior, Satyayathi returned to her chaotic life after brief separation. Despite continued abuse, with no other options for survival, she remained in submission the athority enforced by her husband. In July, Satyayathi refused to continue to financially supporting the addiction that was ruining her marriage and family and so she refused to give her husband anymore money for his habit. Enraged, he threw acid on her. Blocking the toxic poison with her left arm, she endured horrific burns. After hospitalization, and burn treatment, in a nearby facility, severe damage to her left arm and side remains and Satyayathi continues to endure constant pain, suffering and permanent scarring. During her hospital visit, she explained to the doctors what had happened. The doctors immediately called the police, who sought to arrest Satyayathi's husband. Unable to locate him the police placed a warrant for his arrest. Three months after the mutilation of his wife, Satyayathi’s husband was located and arrested in Tenali. After serving three months in prison for his crime, he posted bail and has been released. Satyayathi and her children are currently living with her mother. Satyayathi's husband has not made further contact with his family, nor are his current whereabouts known. Due to the lenient punishment in this government system, he remains unaffected by the sufferings he has inflicted upon his family. Divorce is currently pending between Satyayathi and her husband and is expected to be finalized in a matter of days. New doors have opened to new opportunities for Satyayathi and her children. Satyayathi, Samba, and Sri Lakshmi will be relocating to the Harvest India campus in Tenali. Satyayathi will be welcomed into the family of the Ashraya Project, a home devoted to giving women the opportunity to live a life of dignity and hope. Her children will be placed in Harvest India’s orphan school which is on the same campus so that they can remain a family, living together. Samba and Srilakshmi with gain 398 brothers and sisters immediately and begin their education at this newly accredited school operated by Harvest India. Despite this families many trials, new opportunities are on the horizon. They will be welcomed by the body of Christ at the Harvest India campus in Tenali. The family is currently from a strong Hindu background, but through new opportunities new hope of a new future emerges. Through Jesus Christ we remain prayerful and hopeful that they too can experience the love of our Father in Heaven and live happily ever after in the Kingdom of God.

Please join us as we pray healing and blessings upon Satyayathi, Samba, and Sri Lakshmi and continued prayers for repentance and deliverance upon Satyayathi’s husband.

“We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” Philippians 4:13

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ordinary Moses

The past few days, as I step more fully into resting in God's love, I've been dreaming a lot, opening myself up to the crazy stuff that could potentially be down the road, in my future, in God's plans. God uses ordinary people in the Bible to do such extraordinary things and I think "Wow! I'm ordinary, I wonder what extraordinary stuff God might have purposed for me." I watched the Prince of Egypt animated film today. So mind you, it was a slower day in India, but once in a while an animated movie is good for the adult soul and I figured a biblically based flick is even better. In the film Jethro, who is the high priest of Median, is throwing a celebration for Moses because he recently defended his young daughters against thieves trying to steal from the family flock and protected them. Moses wishes that Jethro wouldn’t honor him and says, “I‘ve done nothing in my life worth honoring.” And then this beautiful song begins and the lyrics are as follows:

~Through Heaven’s Eyes~
A single thread in a tapestry
Through its color brightly shine
Can never see its purpose
In the pattern of the grand design

And the stone that sits on the very top
Of the mountain's mighty face
Does it think it's more important
Than the stones that form the base?

So how can you see what your life is worth
Or where your value lies?
You can never see through the eyes of man
You must look at your life

Look at your life through heaven's eyes

A lake of gold in the desert sand
Is less than a cool fresh spring
And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy
Is greater than the richest king
If a man lose ev'rything he owns
Has he truly lost his worth?
Or is it the beginning
Of a new and brighter birth?

So how do you measure the worth of a man
In wealth or strength or size?
In how much he gained or how much he gave?
The answer will come
The answer will come to him who tries
To look at his life through heaven's eyes

And that's why we share all we have with you
Though there's little to be found
When all you've got is nothing
There's a lot to go around

No life can escape being blown about
By the winds of change and chance
And though you never know all the steps
You must learn to join the dance
You must learn to join the dance

So how do you judge what a man is worth
By what he builds or buys?
You can never see with your eyes on earth
Look through heaven's eyes
Look at your life
Look at your life
Look at your life through heaven's eyes

It is a beautiful song and a powerful film. It compelled me to read the actual, incredible account told in Exodus. Through looking at his life through Heavens eyes, Moses, who finds that he is not royalty but rather an ordinary descendant of an enslaved people, is humbled before the Lord and is chosen by God to do the extraordinary. In the movie, brotherly love between Ramses and Moses is heavily developed and portrayed. We can only imagine that these boys, who grew up together as brothers, would have had a deep bond. Now as adults, Ramses has become ruler over the most powerful empire in present day and Moses is chosen, by God, to perform miracles and lead the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt, who are under his brother's rule. The Israelites have been waiting for this deliverance for over 400 years. And an orphan, who becomes royalty, is moved with compassion for an enslaved people that he later comes to find out he has descended from, is chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery against every opposition facing the most powerful empire of their time. Uuummmh WOW! As he faces a burning, not so burning, bush and call from God, Moses’ first reaction is doubt. Doubt that God has chosen the right person for the task at hand. Its comforting to me to know that while God is speaking from a bush that’s on fire, but again not burning, Moses is doubting. It assures me of the patience of the Lord when God challenges me to act courageously or calls me to something I think I can’t handle and I immediately doubt if I’m suited, prepared, or able to step forward in faith. Time and time again, we read in the Bible, stories of God’s calling on people who seem ill-suited. The call seems too great, the sacrifice too high, the person too ordinary and yet every time God equips the called with power, strength, and wisdom. (and a staff that turns into a snake, turns water into blood and parts the sea to rescue 600,000 of His children, if your lucky) Why do I doubt that I am the right person for the job? Why do I constantly need to be reminded the He is God and we are not? Today I answer, "Here I am Lord!" I answer the call and just step out in faith to let Him do what he does best… PROVIDE!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Meet another Harvester in India

Get an inside look as we interview one of the many men who have answered God’s calling “…The harvest is great but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37 We thank you for your support and faithfulness in prayer. God is equipping and sending out new workers daily to share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ!

Location: Donapudi
Church Plant Date: March 2000
Pastor: Jayaraj Moka

In the midst of temples and idol worship there lives a family of five. A white, brick home with a thatched roof sits in the midst of many multiple story homes in the village of Donapudi. The surrounding homes are inhabited by high caste members of the Hindu faith. In this particular home lives a family who has dared to plant themselves in Donapudi. Their main focus is to live out the action of love in a biblically rooted, revolutionary way, amidst a culture that opposes them. In a place where the belief that of no matter what you do in this life can change your destiny, live the Moka’s, under an entirely different belief. This is their story.


Now a Pastor, Jayaraj Moka was born into a Christian family. His mother and his father were fishermen and raised their son well, instilled a solid foundation, and spoke truth and affirmation into their son during his development, through biblical teachings. As Jayaraj matured and reached working age he also began a career as a fisherman. He found the challenges of fishing enticing, enjoyable, and productive. The work was continuous and gave a means to aid his parents financial circumstances. He recalls the happenings of 1996 as the year God placed a clear call on his life in ministry. In April 1996, Jayaraj had a vision in his sleep in which he was tending to a flock of sheep. A voice called out to him to “feed the sheep.” When he awoke he disregarded the vision as nothing more than dream and continued in his work as a fisherman. In May of the same year, he went on a late night fishing excursion. While at sea he fell from the side of the boat and was quickly carried down current. He struggled to swim back to the boat, but was unsuccessful and drifted further and further away. Growing tired and losing hope of survival, he began to sink. In that moment, he was visited by the same voice from his vision with this instruction, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.” and then the voice again instructed him to “feed the sheep“. This time the calling was clear and in that moment Jayaraj surrendered his plans for his future and pleaded with the Lord to spare his life so that he could give himself to the Kingdom work of God’s plan. Although he cannot recount how he survived, he is indeed a survivor of that near death experience as he awoke on the deck of the boat, soaking wet, minutes later. Jayaraj counts this miracle as the turning point in his life where the scales fell from his eyes as he was awakened to God’s calling. In the days that followed Jayaraj retold the happenings of his fishing trip to countless friends and sought the biblical counsel of Sambasavarao, a well respected and Godly mentor to many men in the area where Jayaraj had grown up. Sambbasavarao advised Jayaraj to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and study the holy scripture daily. He referred him to a bible college run by Harvest India near Vijayawada. In late 1996, as though the year had not brought enough life changing moments to Jayaraj, he met and married Usharani, the young woman whom his parents had arranged for him to wed earlier that same year.
Life has changed quite drastically since 1996. Jayaraj did seek out the opportunity to study scripture and has fully embraced the call the Lord so clearly placed on his life. He studied at Harvest India’s bible college near Vijayawada from 1997-1999 and upon graduation he fully immersed himself in ministry. He has, since the completion of his degree, begun and continued ministry programs in three local villages near his home. In order to gather materials for his village ministry in the early years he had to travel quite a distance to obtain tracts. Tracts are preprinted materials that tell the story of Jesus Christ. During his return travels from a ministry conference, gathering materials, Jayaraj encountered an boy on a train ride from Vijayawada. The boy was panhandling on the train. Jayaraj’s heart moved with compassion as he inquired how the bow had come to panhandle at such a young age. He learned, in what became a lengthy conversation, that this young boy’s parents had passed away and there was no one to look after him and so he, at the young age of eight, was caring for himself. Although the current living condition of the young Moka household was not without struggle or opposition, Jayaraj welcomed the boy to come and stay with him and he would look after him as one of his own. That day Jayaraj and Usharani were blessed with their first child, an eight year old boy whom they later named Sampson. Jayaraj and Usharani now have two more children; John is 10 years old and Teja is 8 years old. Sampson is now 21 years old, away at school, and receiving high marks in all areas of his education. All three of the Moka children have received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Together, the family faces extreme adversity in the local village where they both live and conduct ministry. They rent the home in which they reside and the cost of living in Donapudi often causes them to go without other necessities in life. But the Moka family is deeply rooted in their faith and their destiny is clear. While their service to God often leaves them with hungry bellies and empty pockets, the Moka’s are a family that faithfully press forward in the work God has placed in their path. Their needs cause them to fully rely on the Lord and grow their faith. In tribulation, they rejoice over those in their ministry who have crossed from death to life, through Christ‘s ultimate sacrifice.


If you feel called to join the ministry God is doing through the Moka family, they have asked for prayer and support. Please pray that God would provide the funds for a larger church building. The Harvest India funded church plant seats about 50 women and children shoulder to shoulder as we witnessed in holding service with the congregation on Wednesday evening. But, as the service progressed a crowd began to form and gather outside the open doors of the small church. At the moment, Jayaraj holds a number of services to “feed the sheep” of his growing flock but he is prayerful that God will provide a larger building so that he can hold the additional services in other surrounding villages that have not yet heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

It is through men and women like these that we will take the name of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Please visit Harvest India online at or e-mail for further information on how you can get involved.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Father's Love

In Luke Chapter 15 there are three parables that are taught in church frequently. The parable of the lost coin, the lost sheep and the prodigal son. Remarkably the three stories touch an aspect of the responses of God’s children and show the various relationship we experience as children of the Father. His role remains the same, as a loving Father God. The first is the parable of the lost sheep. The shepherd has one hundred sheep. But one stays from the flock. The sheep was with the shepherd and wanders off, so the sheep knows it’s lost, but regardless it continues to walk along it’s own path. The shepherd comes to know that the sheep is missing and leaves the ninety-nine sheep to seek the one who has gone missing and when he finds it in trouble and alone He picks up the sheep and carries it back to the flock where it belongs. The sheep has the opportunity to stay again but the shepherd has acted in love and sought the sheep for a safe return. The lost coin tells of a woman who has ten silver coins and loses just one. She sweeps the entire house in search for the lost coin leaving nothing unsearched and when she finds it she calls her friends and neighbors to rejoice for the coin has been found. This parable can teach us so many wonderful things about the true heart of the Father God who longs to have an intimate relationship with his children. The coin did not know it was lost it simply was, but the woman was not fulfilled in the remaining nine coins. She searches everywhere until she has found the coin which belongs to her and when she does she rejoices. She would not have label the one that was lost to identify which had been missing, she would just include it with the other nine and all would be restored, as it was initially. This conveys that our Father seeks his children who do not know they are lost. He pursues the missing leaving no place unturned until all of his child have returned and are again in the possession of the Lord, and each time he finds one he rejoices. And the prodigal son, which over the last few years has become one of my favorite stories in the bible, tells of a son who forsakes his wealthy father and asks for his great inheritance before it is rightfully time. The father who loves the son gives him the inheritance and the son squanders it on the foolish, wild living in the world. The son finds himself broke and in desperate need of work so he seeks employment and is offered a job feeding pigs. (This was disgraceful occupation because pigs were considered unclean) Yearning to eat the food he is feeding the pigs it says “he comes to his senses” and decides to return to his father to tell him he has sinned against him and is no longer worthy of being called his son. The father sees the son far off, which leads us to understand that the Father must have been looking, waiting for the son. And while he, the son, is still far off the father runs to him and embraces him. The son tries to tell his story of his disgrace but the father immediately puts the signet ring on his finger, which during the time would have been the seal that when stamped acted as a method of paying anything to the father’s estate, thus reinstating the full inheritance to the son. This is one of the best examples of our Fathers love. The child has been foolish, ungrateful, unloving and completely disrespectful. The father, who loves the son, gives him what he asks for and lets him go, with his blessing. While the child is gone, the father waits and seeks his return and when the child returns with nothing left of all he has been given the father runs to him. He throws his arms around him, says nothing about the child’s disobedience and instead as the greatest act of love, restores full inheritance to the child. I am quickly realizing that it is imperative that I learn all that I can about my Father’s love. The bible paints a beautiful picture of His love. But until I step fully into a intimate relationship with the Father I will not be able to full comprehend His ultimate, unbreakable, everlasting love!
Our Father loves us when we do NOTHING! But His love compels us to do EVERYTHING!
I have a great relationship with my earthly father and our relationship in turn allows me to understand a father’s love much easier than if I did not have such a father. Suppose I had not had such a great parental, father-son relationship. Suppose my father was violent or consumed with rage. God has moments in scripture where he is forceful and firm in his correcting, as my father has also at times in my development, but Gods love never diminishes even when He corrects. He rebukes with a righteous and consuming love. The Father’s heart is always loving in the best interest of His child.
This story was shared at a conference I attended recently. A young boy named Tim is very adventurous. He loves going to play in the park across the street from his home. His father tells him that he can only go to the park if he or the boys mother are with him. He warns that it is very dangerous to cross the busy street. “Do you understand what I’m telling you?,“ says the father. The boy, looking up at his father responds, “Yes papa, I understand.” Later the father is wrapped up in another matter and the boy is longing to go to the park. He looks to see if the father is paying attention and then gazes across to the park, looks back to the father and then again to the park. Consumed by his “now mentality” he steps out into the street and heads for the park. He forgets to look to his right and a car which is traveling fast, tries to stop, but cant stop in time. Tim and the car collide and the impact sends Tim flying through the air and landing on the asphalt. A neighbor, who has seen the entire incident runs to the boy’s father and yells, “Come quick! Tim has been in an accident and he needs you!” The father immediately drops everything and runs out to his boy. By this time a crowd is gathering and the police have arrived. He yells out “Please move that‘s my son that’s my son!” As the crowd parts the image of Tim’s motionless body is revealed. The father approaches his son, their eyes meet and he sees the blood starting to puddle around his son’s head. He points down at him lying there and yells, “You see what you‘ve done Tim! Look at yourself! I specifically warned you this would happen if you didn‘t listen to my instructions and now you see it‘s true. Hear that? The ambulance is coming to get you and you‘ll probably have permanent damage from this disobedience!” NO WAY A LOVING FATHER DOES NOT TALK TO HIS KID LIKE THAT! He would have rushed to his son’s side and knelt down right in the puddle of blood, placed his hands softly upon his son and in his ear with tears forming in his eyes whispered, “Oh my son! Daddy‘s here! I‘m so sorry that your hurting but Daddy‘s here. I love you son! Everything is going to be alright, Daddy‘s here. You hear that? That’s the ambulance and they‘re coming to help you! Don‘t be afraid, I‘m going to go with you to the hospital and I promise no matter what happens I‘ll never leave you! I love you!” And that is the postured response of our loving Father in Heaven. No matter what happens He will never leave us nor forsake us!
The father would be just and truthful in the first response to the son. The father had warned that this could happen if the child did not obey the guidelines set in place by the father. But the child is broken and lying in a puddle of blood, scared and hurting! The child does not need to be reminded of how he’s messed up, the child knows that this is not good. The child needs love from the father. God the father, he loves His children. He loves them so much that He promises to never leave us no matter how we disobey, no matter how much damage the disobedience causes, no matter what happens, HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US BECAUSE HE LOVES US AND WE ARE HIS CHILDREN!

Holy Spirit Rain Down

I overflow with the Father’s love as I write of the lessons learned in the last few days of being here, in His love, in India. I have had the divine appointment of joining in ministries and outreach with some of our brothers and sisters visiting us from the Netherlands. It has been an amazing opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit in my own life through the openness and filling in theirs. They have experienced “the Church” in a completely different construct than I and therein has been a revelation for me. I realize that I find much of my understanding, knowledge, and belief, both in the Trinity and in my relationship, through Christ, with my Heavenly Father, in my comprehension of the teachings in “the American Church”. I am a part of said church for we, the body, are the church. There is nothing negative relating to the teachings I’ve received; they have been deep rooted in scripture and biblical teachings and have grown and cultivated my faith. The revelation is in the ways I have allowed the teachings to inhibit my personal growth in my Fathers love. In the teachings of the church I have missed the greatest teacher; The Holy Spirit, Might Counselor! The Holy Spirit dwells within me, renewing my mind that I might test and approve the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. I possess this teacher! I have longed for such a teacher and God has faithfully sought me to become a willing student. During my years of development God allowed me to stray from the perfect path He created. Through my years of darkness God walked with me. In the deepest depth of my brokenness He wept with me. In my surrender of all things which I had planned for my life He rejoiced over me and now walks with me along this ordained path going before me and making the crooked places straight. He has awaken me to the beauty which rises from the ashes. His Holy Spirit is living, correcting, rebuking, and teaching me to crucify me flesh daily, to walk in closeness to my Father, and to rejoice in the eternal salvation through the blood sacrifice of my brother, Jesus. I will not waste precious moments lamenting over lost time. For as God has no record of wrong, I will strive, in the Spirit, to erase the recollection of my wrongdoings against Him. Fixing my eyes upon the road ahead, allowing myself to be reconciled through Christ, I honor the call of my Heavenly Father. I will put my hand to the plow and not look back upon my transgressions for they are removed and cast as far as east is from west. With the cross before me I press into the Lord. I seek more grace from Christ, more revelation from the Spirit and more of the Father’s love! As God sees fit to bestow more of His character, power and love to me, I will wait expectantly and make room for Him to do with my life on earth as it is written in Heaven.