Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Healing While the Scar Remains

Name: Satyayathi Rao
Place: Butumalli Vemuru, Andrah Pradesh, India

Like many Indian marriages Satyayathi’s betrothal was arranged. Unfortunately, the man in which she was betrothed to marry frequently abused alcohol, releasing an evil that would rear it’s head regularly only after their union. Through years of marriage the situation has continued to escalate and has become a dangerous situation for Satyayathi and their two children. Satyayathi is a dedicated and faithful woman, wife and mother. Occupationally, she makes beautiful flower garlands and dries fish which are sold in her village, to provide for her family. Her husband doesn’t work. He spends his days drinking away the money Satyayitha works all day to provide for the well-being of their family. Satyayathi has pleaded, countless times, with her husband to stop drinking, crying out to him, "please change, please stop drinking." He regularly experiences bouts of rage, and when combined with his normal intoxicated state of mind the situation escalates quickly and dangerously. To ascert his power and control as the man of the family, he often removes their seven year old son, Samba, and nine year old daughter, Srilakshmi, from their home and hides them in different villages. He then demands money from Satyayathi if she wants to see her children again.


Last June, during one of his many alcohol binges, Satyayathi's husband became violent and attempted to end her life with a knife. She managed to escape with only a minor cut on her arm. With love in her heart, for the father of her children and a longing desire for him to change his destructive behavior, Satyayathi returned to her chaotic life after brief separation. Despite continued abuse, with no other options for survival, she remained in submission the athority enforced by her husband. In July, Satyayathi refused to continue to financially supporting the addiction that was ruining her marriage and family and so she refused to give her husband anymore money for his habit. Enraged, he threw acid on her. Blocking the toxic poison with her left arm, she endured horrific burns. After hospitalization, and burn treatment, in a nearby facility, severe damage to her left arm and side remains and Satyayathi continues to endure constant pain, suffering and permanent scarring. During her hospital visit, she explained to the doctors what had happened. The doctors immediately called the police, who sought to arrest Satyayathi's husband. Unable to locate him the police placed a warrant for his arrest. Three months after the mutilation of his wife, Satyayathi’s husband was located and arrested in Tenali. After serving three months in prison for his crime, he posted bail and has been released. Satyayathi and her children are currently living with her mother. Satyayathi's husband has not made further contact with his family, nor are his current whereabouts known. Due to the lenient punishment in this government system, he remains unaffected by the sufferings he has inflicted upon his family. Divorce is currently pending between Satyayathi and her husband and is expected to be finalized in a matter of days. New doors have opened to new opportunities for Satyayathi and her children. Satyayathi, Samba, and Sri Lakshmi will be relocating to the Harvest India campus in Tenali. Satyayathi will be welcomed into the family of the Ashraya Project, a home devoted to giving women the opportunity to live a life of dignity and hope. Her children will be placed in Harvest India’s orphan school which is on the same campus so that they can remain a family, living together. Samba and Srilakshmi with gain 398 brothers and sisters immediately and begin their education at this newly accredited school operated by Harvest India. Despite this families many trials, new opportunities are on the horizon. They will be welcomed by the body of Christ at the Harvest India campus in Tenali. The family is currently from a strong Hindu background, but through new opportunities new hope of a new future emerges. Through Jesus Christ we remain prayerful and hopeful that they too can experience the love of our Father in Heaven and live happily ever after in the Kingdom of God.

Please join us as we pray healing and blessings upon Satyayathi, Samba, and Sri Lakshmi and continued prayers for repentance and deliverance upon Satyayathi’s husband.

“We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” Philippians 4:13

1 comment:

  1. John, what an incredible story. I have to admit that I wish I was seeing the deep redemption and healing of Christ this way every day...but I am glad to know such an incredible brother in the Lord is able to witness it and be changed by it. Thank you for sharing. Miss you!
