What if this changes everything? What if because I'm not the same it means that nothing else can be either? What if God being enough means I end up with ONLY GOD ALONE? In India, I like that no matter what I do I never feel completely clean and the fact that I have 20 plus mosquito bites on my face removes the vanity I used to see when I looked in the mirror, that I have no designer labels to wear and no distractions from God... but will it last? When I'm home in Orange County and loving the Lord less than I even love myself how can I pretend like I could ever love my neighbor more than me. I want to love God like the John in India loves Him. I want to be a man that spends all day loving on others so that they might come to know Jesus died for them to have a relationship. I could care less what I look like, smell like, or feel like because those things don't matter here! They don't matter anywhere! God loves us SO MUCH that regardless of my status or feelings or circumstance He deserves my full attention, my full ministry and full worship. I'm dying here! My flesh is dying and so my spiritual growth is increasing abundantly. I've never felt more at peace with God and his timing and his work. Here everything is God. Suresh has this great thing he say's, "Plan A is God, plan B is god, and plan C is God." There are no options in India! No menus, you don't get to choose what you eat (and I miss it terribly). No choices on even who or how you worship, in Hinduism there is a god for every specific thing you need and a Hindu priest tells you where to go and what to do in order to make things right. We are so blessed in our relationship with the Lord. He gives grace and no other God does that! Grace is an amazing thing and it's something you have to learn in India. The motto here is "Hurry up and wait!" Seriously, nothing ever happens on time and they wouldn’t have it any other way. The people sometimes would wait hours to see us because we were running late or the bus broke down or whatever but they would sit for hours just for us to come for a few minutes. When you arrive you get doused in flower lays and petals and never do they begrudgingly make you feel as though you've changed the course of their entire day, even though you have. It is unreal the kind of grace that you are shown here and amazingly it's the kind of grace you show in return because of the way it's been extended to you. God's been trying to teach me that one for 23 years and here I am half way round the world and finally listening. He's speaking alright, saying, "Let go of the life you planned for yourself because that life leads you to suburban bliss and that's not what I want for my children. If you're going to live a life that demands an explanation you're going to have to get way outside of yourself and not in a help the poor on your day off kind of way but loving others that hate you, not from a distance, but loving them in an overbearing, in your face I LOVE YOU kind of way. In giving to the Kingdom not in 10 percent of your wages but in the capacity that says I would rather starve so that someone else might see that in my sacrifice God is glorified. To be willing to die that others might live." To be honest I'm not at the place with those words I'd like to be by the end of my time here but I'm working on it! I want to be reckless in my faith. To be seen as crazy because I love God so much that it makes people feel uncomfortable. The kind of love that makes the skin of the unsaved burn to be around me. To live a life that demands an explanation not a life that can produce an explanation if asked the right question. Here you have to live that way... because you cant speak the language your actions are all you have. The people in India don't use a ton of facial expression but when you smile and wave most of the time the do too! I love being here! It's the best decision I've ever made. Being in the presence of a man that lives the way most Christian people aspire to live is, I pray, going to change the way I live.
Suresh Kumar is:
S Selfless. His home is always open, to anyone, and if he has it he will give it to you in faith that when he needs it God will provide it... again
U Universal. His love for God translates to all people through all cultural differences.
R Ready. To answer the call God places on his Heart no matter what it is.
E Energizing. You can't help but get fired up when you are in his presence.
S Spiritual. There may be someone in history that takes the cake but I've never met them.
H Honest and Humble
K Kind.
U Undeserving. Humbled that God has chose him for this work in India.
M Married. To his Kingdom work and his beautiful wife Christina. One of the most amazing couples you'll ever meet this side of God's Kingdom
A Abandoned. To the love of Jesus Christ
R Respected.
I'm so honored to be here! Humbled to be a part of God's work in India. Though I know it's hard to not be home... the man who I hope to return home as will be far better than the person who left home in December. God, I love you with all my heart! I’ll remain encouraged!
Mal 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.