Friday, January 15, 2010

Play Day in India

While Mercy and David are home for the week we spent some time just being a family. Suresh and Christina took us to HI Campus to check the construction on their housing project. I had a chance to play with the Kumar kids while the adults tended to business. We performed the songs and dances that the team taught at the VBS which is always a great joy to see that they remember them so well. Then we looked for other outlets of entertainment like rock-throwing contests, playing on the orphanage playground, climbing construction materials and as pictured above jumping off rock piles. It was so much fun to watch and participate in the unique ways children entertain themselves regardless of surroundings or environment.

Suresh says that if all goes according to plan the new house should be completed in about 20 days! It's been amazing to see how the construction has progressed so quickly since the RockHarbor team gathered for lunch there just a few short days ago. The Kumar family is excited to relocate just a few kilometers down the road to live at the Campus because they feel that by living there they will be able to be more involved in the goings on there and will be in immediate proximity to insure that all is running properly and efficiently. HI Campus houses one of the largest orphan homes, Ashrya/IPP project, bible college, and is the location of the 40,000 square foot, cross-shaped church which is under construction. Once completed this church will seat 3,000+ people and be used in many capacities to better aid the operations and daily needs of the several thousand men, women and children that congregate and live there. Harvest India is trusting God to provide $500,000 for the completion of the project which is scheduled to be completed in about 18 months.

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